Hello Ed,
As promised, here follows info about draft amendments to the HH Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw No. 2004-035 as presented to Council by our Planning Department.
The full draft amended by-lay may be viewed at:
The current (2004) Municipal Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw (http://www.hastingshighlands.ca/deptdocs/ZBL_2004-035.pdf) allows second units in the Residential Second Density (R2) zone which would be the settlement areas of Maynooth, Lake St. Peter, Birds Creek, Maple Leaf, Monteagle Valley, Musclow and Baptiste Village. In the Marginal Agriculture Zone a single detached dwelling is permitted as an “accessory use to agriculture” – a farm hand house for example.
You can also refer to:
- the Ontario Government Second Units Info Sheet – Spring 2017 for more info.
- Section 1.4 of the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 regarding housing – specifically 1.4.3 d and e.
- Section 2.8 of the 2018 Hastings County Official Plan specifically e) permit a second dwelling unit within a detached house, semi-detached house or row house, etc….
On Nov. 7 Council was given the following in support of the need for the draft amendments: “The Strong Communities through Affordable Housing Act requires Official Plans to contain policies authorizing the use of secondary dwelling units within or ancillary to a principal structure. The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement identified the need for residential intensification, including second units. Hastings County Official Plan Section 2.8 Housing identifies the provision of adequate housing as a fundamental need for the well-being of all County Residents. The intent of the Plan is to … “e) Permit a second dwelling unit within a detached house, semi-detached house or row house or a building or structure ancillary thereto for lands designated Urban, Hamlet, Agricultural and Rural, save and except any lot abutting an At Capacity Lake Managed for Lake Trout (LTD-AC), provided that any lots privately serviced are a minimum of 1 acre (.4 hectare) in area…”. “A Member Municipality may permit a second dwelling unit on lands zoned Limited Service Residential (LSR) provided the private right-of-way is constructed and maintained at the owners’ expense to a satisfactory standard in accordance with the municipal private roads bylaws…” Hastings County Official Plan was enacted/passed on August 3, 2018 and requires the municipality to review permitted uses in residential zones. Hastings County Planning and Development Department provided a “Second Units” Bylaw template for member municipalities to use and that template bylaw was presented to Council on November 1, 2017.”
Hope this helps.
A. Walder
Councillor – Ward 3
Municipality of Hastings Highlands
P.O. Box 130
33011 Hwy #62
Maynooth, ON K0L2S0
613.338.2811 (Office)
613.338.0028 (Residence)