Protecting Our Lake: What Can Homeowners Do?
Learn how and why we can all contribute to the health of our most precious resource, our lakes and rivers.
Learn how and why we can all contribute to the health of our most precious resource, our lakes and rivers.
OPG conducted an in-person meeting at the Barrys Bay Legion on Mon Feb 12 to provide attendees with educational resources addressing management of the Madawaska River system and to answer questions. Ian Doyle attended the meeting and summarized the discussion for KAPOA members who could not attend.
The Floating Homes Not Vessels Coalition continues to work with Transport Canada, Trent-Severn Waterway and municipal governments to advocate for change with respect to floating accommodations. Read on for what has been accomplished in this past year!
Significant progress has been achieved recently due to the combined pressure that we together have exerted on our political decision makers. Stay tuned for how you can continue to remind Transport Canada of what is needed.
The Float Homes Not Vessels Coalition has provided a summary of their 3 months of advocacy work to their member associations.
Local lake associations work together to mitigate a stand of invasive phragmites on County Road 62
Forestry 101 presentation by Julie Edwards of the Bancroft Minden Forestry Company
Forest Management Planning Overview, Ottawa Valley Forest Management Plan 2021-2031 (Kamaniskeg Lake east, TPM trails) , Bancroft-Minden Forest Management Plan 2021-2031 (Kamaniskeg Lake lower basin), 2022 – 2023 Annual Work Schedules
“We all should be worried about oak wilt. It’s an invasive fungal pathogen very similar to the Dutch elm disease, beech bark disease, and white pine blister rust.”
A great resource for septic systems from the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations