2017 Appetizer Party
Thanks to Greg and Dawn Zdzienciki for hosting!
Thanks to Greg and Dawn Zdzienciki for hosting!
2016 Appetizer Party at the home of Andy Tatarski
Thanks to Jolanta and Roman Sakowski! A great time was had by all!
A big thank you to our hosts Lynne & Duncan MacLean for the 2014 Appetizer Party! [peg-gallery album=”http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/113080570952392509661/albumid/6149313524147199537?alt=rss&kind=photo” ] click any picture to view larger version
Hosted by Don Schwieg & Rosalba Morgese
The 2012 Appetizer Party hosted by Dave Wilson
Annual appetizer party at the home of Chris and Sarah Jurewicz
Thanks to the Willmers for hosting the 2010 Appetizer Party
2009 hosts of the Appetizer Party: the McKennells!
Margaret Gray hosted the Appetizer Party in 2008