Invasive Species (Phragmites) Removal 2022
Local lake associations work together to mitigate a stand of invasive phragmites on County Road 62
Local lake associations work together to mitigate a stand of invasive phragmites on County Road 62
2022 Events Calendar, 2022 Membership Drive, Poker Run 2022, Volunteers Needed, Invasive Species (Phragmites) Removal, Annual Forestry Work Schedules
In discussions with our members, we’ve had a few more questions come up regarding Bylaw 2022-004
This meeting was initiated by Kamaniskeg Lake Property Owners’ Association (KAPOA) and Interlake Association and organized by John Jardine, Municipal Planner, Municipality of Hastings Highlands
Feb 25, 2022 9:30 – 11:00am
The Municipality of Hastings Highlands is preparing an amended draft bylaw to address the need for a 30M vegetative buffer along waterfronts. See the summary of the significant dates – the next (second) reading of the Zoning Bylaw Amendments will be on March 2, 2022, with the third and final reading on May 4, 2022. Open houses are scheduled on April 8, 2022 (virtual) and April 14, 2022 (in-house).
A recent article on gypsy moth cold temperature survival rates got one of our local residents to thinking about what the implications are mathematically.
Updated August 2021: Bancroft Minden Forest Company (BMFC), has initiated operational road clearing and harvesting effective Mon Aug 16th north and west of River Road. 3 logging roads will be opened up from River Road, and 6 landing areas will be established as shown on the map. Information also on the 10 year plan and Thomas P Murray and Gun Lake planned operations.
The proposed Shoreline and tree preservation bylaw has been soundly defeated for the second time in five years! Thank you to all the members that took the time to voice their concerns to council regarding this aggressive bylaw.
Forestry around the lake as of 2020
Phosphorus concentrations, calcium concentration, average secchi depths from 2001 to 2018