Shoreline and Tree Preservation proposed Bylaw 2021


The proposed Shoreline and tree preservation bylaw has been soundly defeated for the second time in five years! Thank you to all the members that took the time to voice their concerns to council regarding this aggressive bylaw.

Next Reading

The next reading of the draft Shoreline Preservation bylaw will be at the May 19, 2021 Council Meeting. This date accommodates the internal report submission date of Monday May 10, 2021 and will allow for all the public comments received up to April 30, 2021 to be included as part of the report.

Notice to all KAPOA members regarding the Shoreline and Tree Preservation proposed Bylaw

According to Mayor Bodnar there will be NO public meetings held regarding this issue because of COVID. Tax payers who are concerned will have until March 31 to submit their concerns to council. After that council will make their decision.

This proposed bylaw was soundly defeated 4 years ago at a public meeting, because it takes away property owners rights to enjoy their property or protect their properties from flooding under the pretense that it protects the lake. There have been no studies done to confirm that there is septic bed leaching into the lake to justify such an aggressive bylaw. There is no study to confirm that our lakes are in trouble, actually our lakes are in good shape.

This proposed bylaw also requires a 30 meter natural vegetative buffer which will promote the area to ticks and the danger of Lyme disease for your family. In dry weather conditions the natural vegetative buffer will always be a risk of a brush fire. The fines for contravention of this bylaw are through the roof.

This is the time to stand up against bylaws that are based on speculation. The mayor would also not confirm that this bylaw would affect only new builds or if all properties would have to change their shoreline to accommodate this bylaw.


More Information

The Municipality has proposed a ‘Draft Shoreline and Tree Preservation Bylaw‘, being a bylaw to conserve, prohibit, protect, restrict, and regulate the protection, preservation and removal of trees and vegetation and site alterations on shorelines and on shoreline properties – and Council wants the public’s input. Deadline for submissions March 31, 2021.

Council will consider passing the proposed bylaw at the March 31, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council. The meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers located at 33011 Hwy 62, Maynooth, ON and/or by remote teleconference.

Public Input for this bylaw can be submitted through our website

Please can you share this email and link with the Lake Associations and your members.

Please let your membership know of the preferred method of commenting on the bylaw (follow the link). We suggest that they copy their comments to you as Presidents of the various Associations and that you report to us on the general nature of comments you are receiving from your membership – we will need to receive your reports by March 17 in order to incorporate them into our response.

The Land Use Planning Committee is reviewing the draft bylaw and will be responding on behalf of the Inter lake group in late March.

Shoreline and Tree Preservation proposed Bylaw 2021
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