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President’s Message
We hope all KAPOA members had a wonderful summer and enjoyed the warm weather and waters. Even though we haven’t interacted with members very much this year, your KAPOA team is reorganizing to represent your Association.
Please help by volunteering where and when possible.
Sean Capstick and Deanne Farrar have been carrying more than their fair share of the load for too long, about five years. As mentioned in the recent newsletter, Sean has resigned as President. Dave Wilson, KAPOA membership and regatta volunteer, has agreed to step up as KAPOA President. Dave, and his wife Joanne, are recently retired and are now presently building a winterized extension to their fifty year old cottage on Kamaniskeg. Additionally, Regatta Chair, Kerra Wylie, has agreed to add KAPOA Vice President to her responsibilities. Sean will remain on the KAPOA executive as Past President.
The two positions of President and Vice-President were ratified by the core group of current KAPOA directors including existing President, Treasurer, Regatta, Water Quality, Water Levels/Flow, Forestry chair people during a directors meeting held the evening of Sept 13.
The 2011 Regatta was successfully held the long weekend in August thanks to the contributions of many volunteers and managed by Kerra Wylie as chair. The Regatta was covered in more detail in a recent newsletter.
Having missed the dates when most cottagers are present, we are now planning a virtual AGM for this fall. This will hopefully include input from all the usual suspects in response to written questions, especially in case of politicians. These responses will be edited for brevity and clarity, primarily showing highlights, but with links to more in-depth supporting material to save you time.
We anticipate more and shorter newsletters to keep everyone informed.
We will always be looking for more volunteers so please keep a spot in your hearts for KAPOA and please let us know!
Issues and concerns relating to our wonderful Kamaniskeg area life will come and go and membership typically fluctuates according to the degree of perceived threat urgency.
I hope you share our concerns and are prepared to continue, and perhaps increase your own participation.
Best regards,
Dave Wilson,
KAPOA President
Fast Facts
Our territory ranges from the Bark Lake dam to Kamaniskeg Lake dam at Palmer Rapids, and includes approximately 400 residences covering parts of Madawaska Valley and Hastings Highlands municipalities.
We care about taxes and quality of life (QOL). QOL includes water quality (acid rain & bacteria), water quantity (lake levels & flows), water safety (swimming & boating), forestry (clear cutting concerns), wells, septic systems, roads, & Internet access among other issues.
2012 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The 2012 KAPOA AGM is scheduled for Saturday 2012 July 21 and will be located at the Madawaska Mountain Ski resort. More news to follow later about both the AGM and the ski facility.
KAPOA Memberships Now Due
We’ve still got a ways to go to meet our goal of 200 members.