Hastings Highlands-Madawaska Valley Fire Agreement

Vivian Bloom
#33011 Hwy 62, P.O Box 130 Maynooth, Ontario, K0L 2S0 Tel: 613-338-2811 or
Toll Free 877-338-2818
Fax: 613-338-3292

Pat Pilgrim

October 2, 2018

Dear Resident:

This is to inform you that the Municipality of Hastings Highlands has now reached an Automatic Aid Agreement with the Township of Madawaska Valley effective immediately. The Madawaska Valley Fire Department is prepared to provide fire suppression namely, exterior structural fire suppression, vehicle and grass/brush fires to a defined area in the geographic township of Bangor in which you own property.

In the event of a fire in your area of Hastings Highlands, your 9-1-1 call will be automatically directed to Renfrew Dispatch. Due to the proximity of the Madawaska Valley Fire Department, they would arrive first on scene but the Hastings Highlands would arrive as soon as possible thereafter.

Fire attack will be dependent upon the fire departments level of training, standard operating guidelines, Occupational Health and Safety guidelines and the number and types of personnel and equipment available on each specific emergency response. Emergency response to water access properties accessed via private roads, private lanes or private driveways is subject to the following limitations:

a) Emergency response to water access properties will be limited to safe travel and environmental conditions.
If, in the opinion of the Fire Chief or his/her designate, unsafe environmental conditions exist no services will be provided. Fire Department vehicles shall not enter onto frozen bodies of water (ie. lakes, rivers, streams) at any time.

i) The ability of such a road, lane or driveway to support and accommodate fire department equipment, vehicles and apparatus; and

ii) The failure of the owner of the lands upon which the road, lane or driveway is located or the user of such road, land or driveway to maintain such road, lane or driveway in a condition that is passable by fire department equipment, vehicles and apparatus.

Should you require a complete copy of the Bylaw and Agreement please contact the undersigned at cao@hastingshighlands.ca or calling the Municipal Office at (613) 338-2811 ext. 233.

Yours very truly,

(Ms.) Pat Pilgrim, CMO, Dipl.M.M.
Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk

Schedule ā€œCā€ NOTICE

The Municipality of Hastings Highlands has reached an Automatic Aid Agreement with the Township of Madawaska Valley effective immediately. Madawaska Valley Fire Department is prepared to make fire services available to the Municipality of Hastings Highlands to an area as
defined in the attached map. In the event of a fire in the prescribed area of Hastings Highlands, the 9-1-1 call will automatically be directed to Renfrew Dispatch. Due to the proximity of the Madawaska Valley Fire Department they would arrive first on scene but Hastings Highlands Fire Department would arrive as soon as possible thereafter.

For a complete copy of the Bylaw and Agreement please contact the Hastings Highlands Municipal Office at 33011 Highway 62, Maynooth,
by email cao@hastingshighlands.ca or by calling (613) 338-2811 ext. 233.

NOTE: A special thanks to Konrad Zaleski for the many months of phone calls and letters to get this done.

Hastings Highlands-Madawaska Valley Fire Agreement