2018 Annual General Meeting


PRESENT: Ed Kobylka, Andy Boyd, Vince Steepe, Lynne MacLean, Jeneene Bruntin, Kerra Wylie
MEMBERS: 47 Members were in attendance


Ed Kobylka opened the meeting with introductions of the KAPOA Directors as listed above.
Ed spoke of our loss of Bob Millar, who passed away on May 11, 2018. Bob was a vital part of this organization and will be sorely missed.


Vince Steepe advised that we had a Term Deposit of $11,000.00 and discussed the Financial Statements to December 31, 2017, as follows:

Income $6,456.44
Expenses $4,201.64
Balance $2,254.80

Motion made by Ed Kobylka to accept the Financial Report by Vince Steepe, Seconded by Andy Boyd and All in favour.


Jeneene Bruntin reported that memberships were going well in spite of the fact that we are trying to phase out area reps. She encouraged members to use our new e-transfer ability and to mail in their yearly memberships.

She spoke about Bob Millar and how membership was his passion and that we should do our best to make Bob proud and continue to support KAPOA and make this a strong organization and community. Paid memberships to date are approximately 156.


Lynne MacLean reported that Poker Run registration is going slower this year due to the fact that canvassers are being mercilessly attacked by blackflies. To date approximately $7,500.00 has been collected when $13,445.00 was collected in 2017.

She reminded everyone of the importance of supporting our local hospital noting that $50,445.00 has been collected over the last five years purchasing mammography equipment and two stretcher beds for the ER at St. Francis Memorial Hospital. This year we are striving to purchase at least two of the four enhancements to the cardiac monitors in the ER.

Motion made by Ed Kobylka to accept the Poker Run Report by Lynne MacLean, Seconded by Jeneene Bruntin and All in favour.


Kerra Wylie reminded everyone that this is a fun event that has been going on since 1971. She acknowledged the help of Lynne MacLean and others who make this event possible. The regatta includes sail boat races, organized once again by Bill Cahoon and starting at 11:00 a.m. There are noodle races, swimming races for young and old, canoe races and of course the ever popular tug-of-war where Brock Millar’s team will try to regain their winning status. Sand Castle building just for the “kids” is a popular event where everyone is a winner. Hot Dogs and Drinks are available for $1.00 each and there is a 50/50 draw as well.
Kerra noted that there will be gap this year in that she needs the help of someone to do the announcing of the races which is imperative to the organization of the day.


Andy Boyd advised that the taxes of Madawaska Valley residence had increased 30% with the prior administration. The taxes have risen 5% with the present administration with Kim Love as Mayor. The new administration has dealt with infrastructure first and has strived toward sensible management. There have been several staff changes and they now have a 3rd CAO named Susan Klatt. Susan comes with a history of this township and a positive outlook. Andy has observed that two councillors, Councillors Peplinski and Maika, have abided their election promises and have displayed strong fiscal management and competent oversight. Others on council are more focused on social conscious, and although full of good intentions, have been less concerned with tax payer affordability. Mayor Love has appeared to have difficulty sitting between these two factions but has of late appeared to focus on proper oversight and fiscal responsibility.

Andy spoke seriously about the media and what is found in the media. He stressed that social media can be very damaging, destructive and inaccurate. He reminded everyone not to get caught up in rumours. Go to council meeting and speak to your councillors. Be sure to vote in the election.


Ed Kobylka advised that many members of this municipality believe that all properties in the Kamaniskeg Lake system should be in the same municipality. The population of this area goes to Barry’s Bay for almost all of it’s needs. Maynooth has very few amenities. Ed did note that he will be running for councillor of Hastings Highland in the next election.

Bi-laws etc., should be the same for all properties on the lakes, i.e. vegetative buffers, flying lanterns, fireworks etc. He noted that the Hastings Highlands Interlake Group has worked toward fair vegetative buffer bi-laws, they have been instrumental in the banning of flying lanterns and are in the process of making a decision with regard to the banning of fireworks except on Statutory Holidays. Fireworks are a contributor to lake pollution, noise pollution and possible fire.


Although not part of the agenda, a member brought up the concern of the new markers going into the Madawaska River at Chippawa Lodge. Apparently they make a very narrow passageway in and out of the river and it is felt they are too close and too unsafe.

Conversation then moved on to the new plans for the Chippawa resort. KAPOA is not the authority on this matter so Ed Kobylka asked Kim Love, Mayor of Madawaska Valley, if she could and/or would address the questions. She graciously accepted. Kim advised that the property has been sold. The property is being divided up into 54 large lots along the north side of the Madawaska River and on Green Lake. The community centre and beach area will remain common areas. The lots will have very specific rules and regulations regarding the type of dwelling, septic, shorelines, etc. The roads and property will be maintained by the corporation so that there will be no extra cost to the tax payers, while at the same time there will be a substantial increase to the tax base. Kim advised that nothing is carved in stone yet.


In the absence of George Zurakowsky, Lynne MacLean made a presentation.

Phosphorus Concentrations ug/L have remained under 10 since 2002. Less than 10 indicates that the lake is usually healthy. Between 10-20 indicates a potential problem and over 20 ususally indicates a major problem. In 2017, the Deep Spot in the lower basin was 5.4; the Narrows was 5.6 and the North Basin was 7.6.

Calcium Concentration is important because anything lower the 1.5 mg/L is detrimental to the aquatic animals such as mollusks, clams and crayfish. In 2017, the Deep Spot in the lower basin was 2.7; The Narrows was 4.1 and the North Basin was 4.4.

Water Clarity is measured throughout the ice free months using a secchi disk. Significant change in the clarity of the water would indicate that “something is going on” in the lake. There have been no significant changes with the data collected.

Lynne went on the explain that we are missing Lake Partner Volunteers to do the water testing in the spring and secchi disk reading throughout the ice free months. While the North Basin has been religiously recording since 2010 (George), the Deep Spot and The Narrows have been recorded over the past 2-3 years. There has been no reporting for the Inflow, Outflow and Mask Island since 2005. Lynne appealed to members to take on this task. (Note to reader: 3 volunteers came forward after the meeting.) A copy of Lynne’s spreadsheet is attached.


Roelph Beukens reported that OPG control of Bark Lake was normal for November and December 2017. Due to low Electricity needs in January and February 2018, there was a slow release from Bark Lake and it was stopped in March. The end of April brought heavy snow and there was significant run off at the end of April which raised the level of the lake by about 1 foot.

The MNR wants a water plan from all areas but they do not want to do it themselves. OPG is left to do the work. The existing plan is from 2009 and probably needs updating. New laws control what you can and cannot do to water flow, including dams, docks, obstructions etc., all of which will need MNR Approval.

Note to Members
David Wilson advised that the Ministry is doing its 5 year fish study on the lake. Keep your eye out for the markers indicating nets in the big lake.


Directors have agreed to stand.

Ed Kobylka asked for volunteers from the floor. No one came forward.

Existing Directors are deemed to be acclaimed.

2018 Annual General Meeting