2022 Annual General Meeting

SATURDAY, JULY 9, 2022, 9:30-11:30 A.M.


Lynne MacLean declared the meeting opened, duly constituted and with a quorum of at least 12 members. The simplified agenda was projected on the screen for the members to see as follows:


  1. Meeting Opening (Lynne MacLean)
  2. Welcome & President’s Report (Kerra Wylie)
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Vince Steepe)
  4. Membership Report (Lynne MacLean)
  5. Survey Results Summary (Deanne Farrar, Survey Team Lead)
  6. Poker Run (Bruce Willmer, Chair)
  7. Regatta (Kerra Wylie)
  8. Forestry (Kerra Wylie, Julie Edwards of BMFC)
  9. Director Nomination (Kerra Wylie)
  10. Volunteer Recognition (Kerra Wylie)
  11. Meeting Closure/Wrap-up (Kerra Wylie)


Welcome to our first AGM since July 2019, and our first in-person event since regatta 2019. I am Kerra Wylie and I have been president since Sep 2021, but involved with KAPOA as Regatta Director since 2010. I would like to acknowledge the service & contributions of Ed Kobylka, past president and my predecessor. Our current directors are Vince Steepe, Lynne MacLean and our newest addition, Peggy Olbrycht. I would also like to acknowledge the service of Colleen Kobylka as former Director of Membership. We will be introducing our volunteers later in the program.

A motion was put forward by Kerra Wylie to ratify the minutes of our last board meeting. The motion was seconded by Lynne MacLean and all were in favour.

Like all who have preceded me, I have come into this role with some ideas, but before all else, we have conducted a survey this past spring to verify that our plans align with the expectations of the majority of KAPOA members. Those survey results will be shared with you by Deanne Farrar, our survey team lead, later in the program.

Anything that we might plan to initiate requires a team to envision it and carry it out, and so we have been actively recruiting to beef up our director team to the level of directors recommended in the bylaws (which is 7 directors). We will be introducing our fantastic nominees later in the meeting and conducting a vote to start off this summer with all positions filled.

First order of business for our newly invigorated team is to review the survey results, and line those results up against our mission statement – does it still make sense? As well, our new team members will have some new and refreshing ideas of their own, so we will be discussing those over the next 4-6 weeks.

Our small but mighty team managed to keep their eye on a number of items this past fall/winter/spring, and where possible, we kept you updated through email bulletins, the Kamaniskeg Lake FB group, and our new KAPOA FB group. If you are a FB user, or even if you were not before (like myself), I encourage you to sign up and subscribe to our group to keep current on our communications. We have a set of rules that require adherence for the benefit of a respectful and informed dialogue amongst the group users, and postings are monitored.

Some of the items we monitored this past 9 months have included:

  1. Hastings Highlands Vegetative Buffer bylaw which passed 3rd reading on May 4, but has been subsequently appealed. Please reach out to Stan Ralph if you would like more information about that appeal. The KAPOA website contains Q&A’s that I conducted with John Jardine, Municipal Planner of Hastings Highlands.
  2. we provided contact information for those property owners who were interested in aerial spraying of spongy moth caterpillars.
  3. through our renewed Alliance with the Hastings Highlands Interlake Association, we are providing input to the HH annual budget including concerns with chronic underfunding of the fire department.
  4. we have shared some citizen science opportunities including the Muskoka Ash program
  5. Through our Alliance with nearby Carson, Trout, Lepine and; Greenan Lakes POA we are monitoring the MV municipal meetings, with special attention being kept on the potential issue of floating sea container homes and rentals coming to our lake and waterways.
  6. we have also initiated a relationship and information sharing with McKenzie Lake POA, which came out of my approval to join the LCC for BMFC. I will talk more about that role when we get to forestry.

We continue to remind you about membership renewal opportunities, as well as our bigger than ever Poker Run coming up in just 2 weeks. You will hear more on both of those in just a few minutes.

New initiatives this year so far have included the creation of a new and simplified logo for KAPOA. Thank you to Bruce and Nicole Willmer for their efforts on this.

Last weekend a Hinterland Beach Clean-up was organized by Caroline Mallany, and I will be recognizing a large group of volunteers later this morning for what we hope will be the first annual cleanup.

Lastly, we kicked off a mentorship hiring program this spring which I hope to continue. We have had some positive feedback on that at our Bay Days booth on May 21, and I will be recognizing the team who brainstormed this program today. If you know of any young person who might be interested in shadowing a board member for the year to learn about the process of volunteering on a board, please send them my way.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out over this past 9 months to provide support, to discuss a concern, or to offer volunteer assistance. I greatly appreciate the varied views, the feedback and the opportunity to meet lots of you either virtually or in person. I hope to meet many more of you over this next year.


Vince Steepe supplied Financial Statements as follows:


Bank Balance December 31, 2020   $4,462
  Memberships   $4,040
  Total Income   $8,502
  Insurance $1,097.28  
  Reps Committee Mtg $69.18  
  Office Communications $491.55  
  Poker Run Prize $500.00  
  Lions Santa Parade $100.00  
  Food Bank $100.00  
  Bank Charges $5.00  
  Total Expenses $2,363  
Bank Balance at December 31, 2021   $6,139
  Balance Dec 31/20   $11,663
  Interest 2021   $314
  Total Investments   $11,977
  Shares   25
  Balance at December 31, 2021   $12,002

Vince Steepe forwarded a motion to waive the appointment of auditors for the coming year Jan 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022. Seconded by Lynne MacLean and all in favour.


Lynne MacLean reported that at July 9, 2022 we had 85 paid members plus 16 members paid at this AGM. We anticipate more members signing up at the Poker Run and Regatta. We are going to reinstate reps around the lakes as well, so hopefully we will increase our membership substantially.

Lynne MacLean introduced and welcomed Peggy Olbrycht who will be taking on the responsibility of Director of Membership.


Kerra Wylie introduced Deanne Farrar who headed up the KAPOA Survey along with help from Jim Clelland, Daphne Van-Ham and Caroline Mallany. See Deanne’s report in the attachment below.


Kerra Wylie introduced Bruce Willmer who has agreed to chair the Poker Run event for this year. Bruce advised that we had taken on Sponsors for the first time in this our tenth year. To date, we had received $5,050 in sponsor money which will be used to cover the expenses of the event including $1,500 in prize money. Bruce has helped set up our KAPOA Facebook page where he will be advertising the event with links to register and pay as well. See Bruce’s presentation is attached below.


Kerra advised that we are going ahead unless public health measures instruct otherwise.

The event will take place on Sat July 30th (Sat of the August civic long weekend). Sailors will want to arrive at 11am for sailing, but please register with Bill Cahoon in advance. All other event to begin at 1pm for the swimming and canoeing races for all ages. There will be sand castle building for kids, and the day’s finale will again be the tug-of-war. Wrap up by 4-4:30pm.

Hotdogs and drinks (cans only, please bring your own water to reduce our dependency on single use plastic) for a dollar.

Renew your membership, come out and see old friends and meet new members to our community.

Kerra has indicated that she would like this to be her last year, after 11 years, of organizing the Regatta. The need for new organizers and volunteers is imperative. New people bring new ideas and that will ‘freshen’ up the event for all.


Kerra Wylie explained that KAPOA monitors and informs our membership regarding the planned and conducted forestry operations of the sustainable forest licensees that operate in our membership area – Ottawa Valley Forest Company on the north and east sides of Kamaniskeg Lake,and Bancroft Minden Forest Company that operates on the south and west sides (and to some small extent on the east side off Chippawa Road / Parcher Road).

KAPOA participated in the 10-year forest management planning consultation processes for both licensees throughout 2020 and 2021, and shared information that was learned in that process on our website under the Forestry section. The 10-year plans are now in operation for the period of 2021 – 2031, with some bridging harvesting having been completed last year from the prior 10-year plan, specifically in the area of River Road and Kartuzy Road.

As part of that process, we were able to negotiate for 30-meter buffers from clear cutting for the Thomas P. Murray trail system with Ottawa Valley. We have established a trusted and respectful relationship with the sustainable forest licensees, as well as the ministry that they report to.

All forestry operations are available to be viewed by the public on a natural resources portal that is maintained by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry. The link is referenced in several places on our Forestry page. During the 10-year planning discussions, Kerra was approached to fill an open position on the Local Citizens Committee for Bancroft Minden Forest Company, and encouraged to participate by our KAPOA board and our former forestry representative, Evan Croskery. Since joining the LCC, she has participated in 3 meetings as well as attended a field trip locally. Information is shared regularly and where she can, it is shared through our Facebook group and our website. The role will become substantially busier when the next 10-year planning process is initiated in 2027/2028, but in the meantime she is learning and participating where she can.

The annual work schedule maps for planned operations in the vicinity of Kamaniskeg Lake for Apr 1, 2022 to Mar 31, 2023 (project) can be found on the KAPOA website under Forestry.

Kerra Introduced our guest speaker, Julie Edwards, to provide us a lesson in forestry. Julie’s presentation can be seen on our website under Forestry:

During the Q&A after Julie’s presentation, Sean Capstick thanked Julie for her presentation and encouraged them to continue to share information with the property owners when logging operations were taking place. Members were concerned about the “mess” that was left behind by the logging companies, including brush considered to be too close to the road that could be flammable (particularly in light of recent arson incidents on Parcher Road). Kerra agreed to forward photos of the concerning brush piles to BMFC for their formal comment.


Kerra advised that during Bay Days and as a result of our survey, we have had several folks volunteer as Directors of KAPOA. After interviewing the volunteers the following people have been pre-nominated, Laura Stevens, Sean O’Dwyer and Greg Zdzienicki. Each of these folks gave a short talk introducing themselves.

Kerra then asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were no nominations from the floor.

Kerra put forward a motion to nominate Laura Stevens, Sean O’Dwyer and Greg Zdzienicki as Directors. Seconded by Vince Steepe and all were in favour.


Before Kerra introduced and acknowledged the long list of volunteers who have contributed to the success of KAPOA, she first acknowledged someone very special. She called up Sean
Capstick, former president of KAPOA, to say a few words and make a presentation to Vince Steepe who has been the Treasurer of KAPOA for many years. Vince was presented with a cutting board with the shape of Kamaniskeg Lake on one side with the inscription “since 1969”.

Kerra then expressed thanks to the following volunteers.

Email Publications – Newsletters, Bulletins – Leonard Furtado

Website Administration – Evan Croskery, Betty Moore (new)

KAPOA Facebook Group setup – Bruce Willmer, Nicole Willmer

Poker Run – Bruce & Kathy Willmer, Lynne & Duncan MacLean, Mark & Pam Lyon, Peggy & Andy Olbrycht, Ed Ragan, David Kardish, Wendy McCourt, Chris Chaplin, John Chaplin, Pyz family, Stephen Coe, Sharon Mahussier, Wylie/Horne Family, David and Joanne Wilson, Carre family, Wilson family and Henson/Feaver family.

Regatta – Bill Cahoon, Kerra Wylie, Michel Horne, Gabriel Coutu, Russ Horne, Pyz & Lagerquist families, KAPOA director families, Sean Capstick, Deanne Farrar, Peggy Olbrycht

Bay Days – Carol Kardish, Peggy Olbrycht, Lynne MacLean, Bruce & Kathy Willmer

Membership Reps – Peggy & Andy Olbrycht, Jim Clelland, Pat Trajanovski, Wendy McCourt

Municipal Affairs – Michael Caven, David Kardish

Survey Team – Deanne Farrar, Daphne Van Ham, Jim Clelland, Caroline Mallany

Municipal Council Meetings Oversight – Michael Caven, David Kardish

Friends of Hinterland Beach – This first annual cleanup included grass cutting and weed whacking, raking & garbage pick-up, supplying the raked organic matter to the surrounding trees, and some work on the boat launch. The volunteers are: Caroline Mallany – chief organizer, Tara Austin and her husband and a gang of 17 teenagers, Don and Carla Rozell, Diana Gatti, Robin Lowry, Leonard Furtado, Annett Vanderwoerd, Rob Hulsman, Wendy McCourt, Hatem Kawar, Bob Tatarski, Murray Townsend, Frank Mallany.

Vince Steepe put forward a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Kerra Wylie and all were in favour.

2022 Annual General Meeting
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