2019 Annual General Meeting


PRESENT: Ed Kobylka, Leonard Furtado, Kerra Wylie
REGRETS: Andy Boyd, Vince Steepe, Lynne MacLean
MEMBERS: ~ 60 Members were in attendance


(Ed Kobylka)

Ed Kobylka introduced the directors (those in attendance and those absent) welcomed members, and called for volunteers.

3rd year of 4 year term – all positions open to be filled next year.

Sea doo complaints last year – thank you for cooperation of Sea doo users, there appears to have been some noticeable improvement of speed.

Controversy re fireworks, initiated by Baptiste Lake Association. Issue is with time of week, and danger associated with their use. Requested membership show of hands who would support control over sale & use of fireworks. Majority support – Ed will carry this forward to Renfrew County and the Interlake Association.


(Ed Kobylka)

Since the public meeting on Oct 15, 2018 there have been changes to the initial proposal. The size of the development has been reduced from 77.0 to 61.8 hectares. Total lots have been reduced from 54 to 44. Lot size range is 1.1 to 21.0 acres. The
number of common elements has been reduced from 7 to 4 (such as roads, boat launch, etc.).

A REQUEST WAS MADE BY THE MEMBERSHIP: No trespassing signs every 10 feet across the Chippawa beach is offensive, requested that KAPOA take forward to the owner.

Condominium agreement covers common elements (roads, boat launches) confirmed by Mayor Love. Construction is not nearing start, still in planning. Has not come to counsel (2-3 years anticipated for all approvals) with plan of subdivision and plan of condominium. Goes to County of Renfrew. 1 show home has been built on 1 of the development lots.


(Presented by Ed Kobylka for Vince Steepe)

The financial statements as provided at the start of the meeting by handout were briefly reviewed with the membership. It was highlighted that the “miscellaneous” expense of $3,360 included a new KAPOA tent. There were no questions or concerns regarding the financials for the year ended Dec 31, 2018.


(Presented by Ed Kobylka for Andy Boyd)

E-payments have quadrupled.

Members reminded to please include their name & address in comments.

Recommended trades list is growing, please provide additional recommendations to
Andy Boyd

MV Mayor

Volunteers on subcommittees has been discontinued, this was to improve transparency. Questions from public at meetings has been discontinued.

Hastings Highlands

No report


(Presented by Kerra Wylie for Lynne MacLean)

A summary of the event was presented including: $200 donation to SFVH Foundation to fund critical care equipment. 100% of funds go to SFVH.

2019 Poker Run is Sat July 27 from Barrys Bay dock, 7 docks around Kamaniskeg Lake, Blackfish Bay & Negeek Lake to obtain best 5card poker hand. Participate virtually or in person.

New elements were highlighted: 10-11am start to accommodate late risers, after party at 4pm at the Bent Anchor Bar and Grill
Dave Wilson was introduced and would be present after the AGM to sign up any Participants.


(Kerra Wylie)

A summary of the event was presented including: Sat Aug 3 at Hinterland Beach, sailing starts 11am, membership renewal starts at noon, swimming and canoe races start at 1pm, day finishes 4-4:30 with tug-of-war, sandcastles/hotdogs/50-50 draw are throughout the day.

Anyone interested in the sailing races is requested to see Bill Cahoon.

New for this year – newly designed regatta t-shirts are available for purchase at the Poker Run and Regatta, as well as members are encouraged to place an early order to ensure availability. See Kerra at the end of the meeting to reserve your shirts.


(Leonard Furtado)

Leonard introduced himself and requested membership to submit stories and pictures to
him at any time for inclusion in future newsletters.


Spill in 2017, came to light in early 2019.

Charlie Primeau is our contact at the Ministry of the Environment – he was a late cancellation for our AGM today due to a family emergency.

A KAPOA tour was conducted recently through the waste treatment facility. The tour explained that ammonia produced by waste and chemical was discharged into the lake. Measures have now been put in place to avoid this in future.

KAPOA conducts biannual water testing on Kamaniskeg lake, & is planning to extend to test for e. coli and chlorine (substances that may be discharged by the treatment plant)

KAPOA is concerned about the health of Kamaniskeg Lake – dead zone at north end of lake, not unlike other lakes in the area.

A REQUEST FROM MEMBERSHIP WAS MADE – to obtain Charlie Primeau’s report and distribute to the membership.

Mandatory septic testing – Per Interlake Association. We are expecting this in future due to a large number of lakes operating at capacity. Septics may be a contributor, in addition to fertilizer use, etc. As we hear anything further from Hastings-Highlands, we will share with membership (see presentation below from Mayor Bodnar, H-H).

MV/Renfrew County – per Mayor Love. There is no initiative at present to inspect septic systems. No interest has been raised by the community. Ed reminded the membership that it is inexpensive insurance to pump your system frequently. Cost of replacing is significant ($10-60,000). Education is imperative, Leonard will include in the next newsletter.


(Ian Doyle)

Ian has lived on the lake for 19 years & has been coming here for much longer, so he is familiar with conditions. He was employed as an engineer for Hydro One for 33 years (transmission & distribution). Madawaska has 5 generating stations and 2 water retention dams. Bark Lake is lowered in spring by 30 feet, but not all is run through the generation station – there is wastage (vs Ottawa and Niagara Falls which have little waste). When water backs up on York River, it contributes to the flooding – this is not controlled.

After the 2013 flood, Ian started keeping records. Flows from dams and lake levels is tracked on the OPG site.
2017 flood was a new record level. 2018 not significant. 2019 flood was equal to the 2017 flood.

OPG do not utilize maximum potential to manage water levels – they are hesitant to reduce Bark Lake to the minimum, they were 5 feet above that level. Don Firkle is Ian’s contact, he has indicated that the concern is with refilling Bark Lake. Only once have they been unable to fill the lake. In Ian’s opinion, the consequences of not filling Bark Lake are not as significant as the financial impact to Kamaniskeg Lake. Roelf Beukens also confirmed that in past OPG has reduced by 9 meters but more recently they are only reducing by 7 meters due to impact on 15 wells around the lake.

Round Lake and Bonnechere River and Golden Lake – this year, the reduction to Round Lake was only 30 centimeters so there is flexibility.

Ian’s conjecture is that OPG is bending to Bark Lake and the Madawaska Canoe Club pressure. Questions from membership generated a discussion that Lake Ontario and further out the St. Lawrence waterway have experienced flooding in recent years and are impacted by upstream flooding.

A question was asked by a member re further upstream control capabilities from Bark Lake (2 additional dams and lakes up from Bark Lake i.e., Source Lake)

Observation raised by a member living in the area for 49 years, that snow pack has not directly correlated to the flooding.

Timing may also be a concern – refilling appears to be occurring earlier.

Clarified that KAPOA has a relationship with OPG, and there is room for advocacy


2017 and 2019 flooding – municipal perspective

Staff monitor the freshet calls up to 2X daily to be prepared with a response.
– Apr 18 start this year – rain, high water content in snow. Less than 40 sandbags were distributed this year, this is very low.
– Apr 28 – County of Renfrew declared state of emergency for access to resources. MV did not declare a state of emergency, as there was no point that they could not support the needs of the community.
– Apr 29 – Housing Minister activated disaster relief program for all of the area, but this does not cover non-primary residences. This has been disputed but they are not budging.

Closed meeting with Minister Yakabuski and former minister Fedeli with council. Requested an independent review of operations and there was agreement to hold 4 public meetings with Ministers, OPG. Eagles Nest (Eganville) was first in this area in

– June 23 – Province appointing special advisor to review dam operations in winter and spring. Inquiry into how Ottawa River flooding was managed. MV Council is encouraged by this action.

$75K expenses incurred by the Municipality (budgeted $80K) – taxpayers will pick up the tab, the expenses were not high enough for reimbursement by relief programs.

NOTE: Meeting scheduled July 10, 6pm at the arena for the public to meet with OPG
NOTE: July 23rd – Eganville Eagles Nest – 1pm start, 3pm presentation for primary
residents looking for disaster relief support.


Mitigation of flood circumstances – sandbag notices, relief for residents, tipping fees Waived.

Shore line erosion – contact Operations Manager re what work can be done. If shoreline is in water, that's under purvue of Ministry of Environment. Encourage planting of native plants at shoreline (neutralize shoreline).

H-H is planning to initiate septic system inspections (no timing provided)

Cost associated with repairing washed out culverts is anticipated to be reimbursed.

High speed cell service in community – 317 additional towers are planned for Eastern Ontario, some will be here.

Boat launches to be refurbished including Hinterland Beach – anticipate starting this fall

H-H operating swim classes starting July 15 for 6 weeks (first time) at Papineau Beach.

Fireworks policy is in place but it is difficult to enforce, police attend the calls. Acceptable dates are the usual holidays only.

Flooding – a member has raised an issue that the river bottom has lowered significantly due to the flooding. A request to OPG has been made to review the situation but it has not occurred. Mayor Bodnar has reminded the membership that the municipality
cannot address, this is OPG territory and recommends attending the upcoming meeting with OPG.

Member asked about planned improvements to River Road – there is a 5 year plan that can be referenced.

OPG Report

(Ralph Beukens)

2017 – flooding due to heavy rains
2018 – runoff and rain
2019 – entirely due to local runoff (160%+ in excess of historical levels): 76cm above the summer maximum (120cm over the summer average) in 2019 versus 80cm above the summer maximum in 2017. Back at operating maximum by third week of May.


(Ed Kobylka)

KAPOA will be pursuing restrictions on sale and use of fireworks through the Interlake Association.

Intent on following up on more extensive water quality testing.

Poker Run – Ed encouraged members to contribute what they can if the $200 fee is onerous

Final call for volunteers was made

Meeting was adjourned

2019 Annual General Meeting