Hastings Highlands

Hastings Highlands Budget Meeting

Hastings Highlands Budget Meeting

Hastings Highlands Council is proposing a 4.8% tax increase

Hastings Highlands Council has RESCHEDULED the proposed public Budget Information meeting originally scheduled for April 18 to MONDAY MAY 2 2016 @ 7 PM

The meeting will be held in Emond Hall, the auditorium of Hastings Highlands Municipal Offices, in Maynooth. All members of KAPOA living in Hastings Highlands are strongly encouraged to attend and voice an opinion on the proposed tax increase.

Hastings Highlands Vegetative Buffer Bylaw Meeting – May 23 2015

KAPOA’s executive reminds the membership that this coming Saturday, May 23, Hastings Highlands Council is hosting a public meeting regarding information on the VEGETATIVE BUFFER BYLAW.

The bylaw affects the use of all waterfront properties in the township. KAPOA strongly recommends that as many as possible of its members attend.

The session will be held in the gymnasium of the Township Municipal offices at 9 am.